Want to make a difference on the election from your own home? Join our weekly online postcarding sessions.

Write on your own, join an existing group, or create a new group in your community or organization. Some groups meet three or more times per week, and although located in New York City, activists from all around the country participate. Each week guests and candidates are featured along with issue-oriented topics. Stop by to check it out.

Click on the link to join the meeting virtually from your computer or tablet. All are welcome!

Day and Time Organization Link
Mondays, 10am-Noon Downtown Nasty Women Social Group, Markers for Democracy & Team Min Zoom
Tuesdays, 9:30am-Noon Downtown Nasty Women Social Group, Markers for Democracy & Team Min Zoom
Wednesdays, 11am-Noon Seniors Taking Action Zoom
Wednesdays, 5pm-6:30pm Laurie & Field Team 6 Postcarding Zoom Registration required Register here
Wednesdays, 9pm-11pm Downtown Nasty Women Social Group, Markers for Democracy & Team Min Zoom
Fridays, 9:30am-Noon Downtown Nasty Women Social Group, Markers for Democracy & Team Min Zoom
Fridays, 6:30pm Kim’s Postcarding Zoom Zoom
Saturdays, 10am-Noon Sarah’s Saturday Postcarding Zoom Zoom
Sundays, 10am-Noon Liz’s Postcarding Zoom Zoom

Some of the groups we proudly partner with include: